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Signs Of Alzheimer’s Families Should Be Aware Of

Alzheimer's Home Care Goose Creek SC-If your senior parent has Alzheimer’s, now is the time to start learning more about Alzheimer’s home care services. Some of the common symptoms of Alzheimer’s are discussed here.
Alzheimer's Home Care Goose Creek SC - Signs Of Alzheimer’s Families Should Be Aware Of
Alzheimer's Home Care Goose Creek SC - Signs Of Alzheimer’s Families Should Be Aware Of

When your senior parent starts to forget things and display other cognitive impairments it can be hard to tell if it’s due to a disease like Alzheimer’s or if it’s normal aging-related loss. Sometimes the symptoms that you’re seeing are so mild that they won’t even seem like a cause for concern. Other times there will be a noticeable drop in cognitive ability. If your senior parent has Alzheimer’s, now is the time to start learning more about Alzheimer’s home care services. Alzheimer’s care is home care for seniors that is designed to meet the unique needs of seniors with Alzheimer’s.

If you’re not sure if your senior parent has Alzheimer’s or you suspect that they might have Alzheimer’s your senior loved one should see a neurologist who can test them for Alzheimer’s.

Some of the common symptoms of Alzheimer’s that you might see in your senior loved one include:

Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks

If you have noticed that your senior loved one suddenly forgets how to make coffee, work the toaster, or turn on the washer that could be a sign that they have Alzheimer’s. If it happens just once or twice that’s probably not something to be very concerned about. However, if it is happening with increasing frequency and it happening with more tasks then your senior parent definitely should be evaluated by a doctor.

Confusion About Time Or Place

Some confusion is normal, especially when seniors are tired or right after they wake up. But if your senior loved one has bouts of confusion where they forget where they are, or mistake their current house for a house they lived in a long time ago, then that is a cause for concern. And if they regularly forget the year or talk about events from the past as if they are happening now those are also indications that they should be evaluated for potentially having Alzheimer’s.

Poor Judgement

Alzheimer's Home Care Goose Creek SC - Signs Of Alzheimer’s Families Should Be Aware Of
Alzheimer’s Home Care Goose Creek SC – Signs Of Alzheimer’s Families Should Be Aware Of

If your senior parent suddenly starts to display poor judgment that is a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored. Poor judgment can mean things like saying something hurtful, rude or mean to someone in a public setting like a server or store employee. Especially if that’s out of character for them. It can also mean things like misjudging the distance between cars when they’re driving or driving in a risky manner. If your senior parent is acting like they have no filter and saying and doing things that seem risky they need to be seen by a neurologist.

Alzheimer’s Home Care Aides May Notice Changes In Personality

If your previously sweet and loving senior parent is acting mean or bitter, or if your senior parent suddenly becomes angry when they used to rarely get angry that is another sign that they should see a doctor. Sudden personality changes can indicate some form of dementia even if it’s not Alzheimer’s specifically. Anytime that you get the sense that your senior parent is acting out of character it’s a good idea to get them in to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Alzheimer’s Home Care Services in Goose Creek SC please contact the caring staff at Home Care Plus today. Call (843) 628-3642

We provide quality 24-Hour Home Care for seniors and families in Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Summerville, James Island, Johns Island, Daniel Island, Goose Creek, North Charleston, Sullivans Island, Isle of Palms, Kiawah Island, and Seabrook Island.

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