Providing exceptional Senior Care in Charleston, SC for over 14 years.

How to Make Resolutions That Really Stick

At the start of every new year, people feel inspired to make changes in their lives. For some, it may be a smoking habit they want to kick; for others, weight loss may be at the top of their list. Maybe you want to use the new year to motivate yourself to start that business […]

Fresh Start

Regardless of whether you are sad or relieved to see 2016 go, the New Year is nearly upon us. And after a month and a half of over indulging and skipping workouts due to a jam-packed social calendar, January offers a great time to slow down and regroup. Making resolutions is a tradition that many […]

Making Nutrition a Priority for Your Aging Loved One

People of all ages can struggle with healthy eating, but for the elderly, proper nutrition can make a huge difference in their physical health and well-being. A healthy diet can help prevent constipation, weight gain or loss, reduce the side effects of certain medications, and so much more. If your loved one suffers from a […]

The Right Way to Make Resolutions

People put a lot of pressure on the transformative powers of the New Year and its ability to change them into a better version of themselves. Inevitably willpower wanes and the pressures of life come into play, and the reality is that change is hard. I’m not trying to say resolutions are a waste of […]

Thyroid Problems: Know the Signs

If you are an older woman, you should be aware of the signs of thyroid disease. According to, one in eight women will have thyroid problems in their lifetime. What are some of the symptoms? Hyperthyroidism can cause unexplained weight loss, trouble sleeping, anxiety or irritability, and more frequent bowel movements while hypothyroidism can cause […]

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